Saturday, December 25, 2010

Naughty : (

Things were very rocky last night for Anika.  Hence, she was not expecting a visit from Santa.  Sad, sad day.  So at 9am we finally got up and opened our Santa stuff.  Because Anika refused to get up, I gave her her stocking in her room.  It was sparsly filled with some fruit and a note from Santa that simply stated that he was bound by the "naughty or nice" clause in his contract.  But that there were many people who love her and she could tell by the gifts they gave her under the tree.  Although Anika did not join us for the Santa festivities (she didn't miss much Santa just gives goodies - no toys and stuff).  I believe that this one jester of Santa not coming to Anika was harder on me. I spent most of my evening in tears as I put together every one's stockings.  I was sad that I couldn't give Anika what I'd bought for her and wanted her to have.  It doesn't pay to be naughty for the giver or the receiver.

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