Rhett just turned 14 and is currently in the 8th grade at Pine Hollow Middle School. This is his last year of middle school and he can't hardly wait to attend high school next year.
He's into all things screens, but is way pumped to start his weight lifting class this week. He'll be pumping iron 3 times a week and he can't wait to show off his buffness to all the girls.
As we drove home after church, Anika mentioned that Rhett had been talking to a girl friend online.
Rhett said, "It's not a girl friend."
Anika "It is a girl and she is your friend."
Rhett: "Having a girl friend means that you take her out and I can't do that until I'm 16."
Anika, "But you date her".
Rhett, "I haven't taken any girls out."
Anika, "You go online and talk to her - it's online dating!"
Kelly, "Ooh Rhett...online dating...I guess you've been inviting her

to go with you into a chat room!" Even Rhett laughed at that one!
Life is good for Rhett. He can find good paying work when ever
he wants it and gets paid about as much as Michael and Cory. He took on the challenge after his Deacon's Quorum advisor told him that he could earn his own money and pay for his mission. Rhett's pretty good and budgeting his money. I've been surprised.