On March 14, 2015... I became a MOTHER IN LAW !
Two year came and went... As of November 13, 2014, Paul came home from his mission!
It was the first time in five years, that we were all in NorCal together. We had Thanksgiving together and we made sure to have pictures taken!
Christmas in Utah!!!
I must say, the best day in Utah was the day after Christmas. We bundled up, grabbed the sleds and hit the infamous Murray hill! As you can see ... nothing but smiles! It was also the best day because I got sick and did not get out for the rest of the vacation! I missed Erin's bridal shower. I missed the Years celebrations, I did not completely recover until March... I have never been that sick in my entire life!
Easter In Utah!!!
Let's not forget about Easter Dinner! Gotta love a home cooked meal!
April 10, 2015, Cory Graduates With a Bachelor's degree in Sociology Cum Laude! Cory will attending Washington University in the fall. He has been accepted into the Occupational Therapy program for a PhD! He's currently staying at our house until Michael moves into his new apartment in Hayward this weekend! Yes... Michael got a new job in the Bay Area! YAY!!! He's working for Solar City in the Advertising department. Only a few weeks in, he's been sent to film on location in Phoenix and Las Vegas! Go Michael!!!
Like I said,"O How Time Flies!!!"